It was really a “Wow” moment for me. I often talk about trying to view the world through the “glass half full” lens. My daughter took it another step, as she always does, and I want to live in her world.
Yesterday was a cloudy, misty, rainy kind of day. Everything wet. I was sitting on the damp steps of our terrace contemplating what kinds of things I would do on a nice day, but left with what I could do, given the weather. It wasn’t really raining, just sort of spitting enough to dampen many outdoor activities. Meanwhile, my daughter was walking up from her swing set where she had spent several minutes climbing and playing, as is her “job”. When she got up to me, she simply said, with a big smile, with all enthusiasm and sincerity, “Daddy, isn’t it a beautiful day?” All I could do was smile, agree, and giver her a big hug. I thought, “who else could look at the day like that?” But she was right. It was a beautiful day. She was happy, I was happy, and despite all my worries of the moment (I can’t mow the lawn, no tennis today, my lawn’s red thread problem was getting worse with the rain, etc.), we were together and enjoying our time. It WAS a beautiful day. That memory will come in handy very often as I endeavor to look at life more like my six year old. There is no “half” about her glass.
Dan Scheerer