Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Brighter Side of Jealosy, or, "I can do that!"

Jealousy is a truly ugly trait.  Natural instinct? Perhaps, but it should be controlled at all cost.  It is unattractive and extremely unproductive.  Unless of course you can USE it.  Think about it.  Jealousy basically means you admire something about someone else, but unfortunately the end result is usually a feeling of ill-will toward that person.  But if you can identify jealousy when it creeps in to your brain, try to take a step back and figure out why you’re feeling that way.  Usually we are jealous about successes other people have, or “positive” physical attributes we lack showcased by those people.  When this happens, ask yourself three questions:

1.  Do I really admire that person for that trait?
2.  Would I REALLY like to have that trait?
3.  Is there a way for me to attain that trait?

If the answer to all three is yes, then perhaps you can do something about it.  If it is a particular talent they have, investigate.  Find out how they came to have that talent and determine if you might achieve those results if you made similar efforts.  If you still like the prospects, make it a goal and set up a plan to get yourself there.  This is essentially what “modeling” is.  Ever heard of a role-model?!   It’s a positive thing to find someone who does something well and to try to incorporate their practices in your life.  If you don't want to make that trait yours, fine.  But drop the jealousy - it won't do you any good.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so don’t be jealous - learn and grow.  Perhaps someone will be jealous of you someday! (but I’d advise that not be your goal!)

What will you do?

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